Christian Starke
(born 1961): lives together with wife and children in Leichlingen-Witzhelden.
After various "Youth Music" Federal Awards he studied recorder (Günter Höller) and bassoon (Klaus Thunemann). In order to enjoy playing music as a hobby he decided for biology (microbiology in Göttingen) Um die Musik weiter als Hobby geniessen zu können, hat er sich professionell doch für die Biologie (Mikrobiologie, Göttingen) . He works since 1992 in international marketing for bio tech.
He plays bagpipes since 2002 and took lessons from Lissa Nierhoff (Mülheim a.d.Ruhr) and Jean-Pierre van Hees (Leuven, Belgiium). He plays French Cornemuse Béchonnet (Remy Dubois) and Galician Gaita (Anton Varela).
Besides making music he is strongly interrested in the history and music of the Witzhelden composer Johann Wilhelm Wilms (1772–1847).

Rafael Daun
...is working on his play of different European bagpipes for 30 years. He plays the large Flemish (Breughel-)bagpipe (Herman Dewit), as well as French Cornemuse Bechonnet (Remy Dubois), the "Grande Cornemuse Bourbonnaise" (Andreas Rogge), the "Oberpfälzer Bock" (Horst Grimm) and "Northumbrian Smallpipes" (Philip Gruar). Rafael Daun had been member of bands like “La Rotta” and “Wanderfalk”, played with “Cornemuse Consort Coelln”, with “XvorBlau”, “Tres Fratelli”, “Küchenorkester” and "Lindblom/Daun-Ensemble". He had been one of the founders of Bordun e.V. many years as chairman. This association is promoting European bagpipes and hurdy-gurdy music.

Ruthilde Holzenkamp
"born 1965 in Lohne (Lower Saxony). music studies at Folkwang-academy Essen, main subject accordion (Prof. Mie Miki), 1991 national exam for music teachers and achieved artistic maturity in 1996. International master classes from Prof. Hugo Noth, Alexander Dimetriev, Stefan Hussong and Matti Rantanen to name a few. Besides tutoring she is focusing on her solo career, ensembles for chamber music like DUOPHONIE with Petra Naethbohm as well as dance and musical theater productions. Since 1996 member in female orchstra „Die Madämchen“, since 2003 regular guest musician at KULTURTECHNIKER.”

Simone Sorgalla
…started her vocal classical education being a young teenager. Searching for a good instrument to accompany her low mezzo-soprano she discovered the harp. Simone She completed her humanities degree, She completed her humanities studies, but took up a second degree in music at the University of Cologne, where she majored in singing and minored in the harp. She works as a primary school teacher in the Bergian region in Germany. She started as guest musician with Spillÿck and is now regular member after successful concerts.

Thórralf Schuh
…is a bodhránai and percussionist. Besides the Irish frame drum he plays various drums from the Mediterrranians and other regions. Because of hisDurch sein Faible für verschiedenste Musiktraditionen mit Unterricht bei Andrea Piccioni, Luca Rossi, David Kuckhermann, Behnam und Reza Samani u.v.a., gibt er dem Sound der Spillÿck eine besondere Gewürznote…
Due to his fable for various musical traditions with lessons from Andrea Piccioni, Luca Rossi, David Kuckhermann, Behnam and Reza Samani and many others, he gives the sound of the Spillÿck a special spice note...
For more than 30 years he has been teaching Irish frame drums at the world's largest festival for frame drums, Tamburi Mundi, until 2008. He is currently a permanent lecturer at the annual Drumming Holiday and also gives private lessons.